Create a Journey

Going Somewhere? – Find a Passenger to keep you company!

Upload a Journey containing all required information and let the Passengers come to you!

Why upload a Journey?

Journeys are automatically made available to Passengers. This means you can relax and let the seats fill themselves!

Supplying Passengers with lifts not only helps them complete whatever tasks they need to do, but also helps you (the Driver) keep your fuel costs from breaking the bank. Carpooling allows Drivers to avail of additional means of paying for their fuel, allowing them to save their money for what really counts.

Carpooling has also been shown to be extremely beneficial for the environment, greatly reducing greenhouse emissions. Plus, you’re already going that way, why not get your daily good deed done too while you’re at it?

We here at JourneyAssist would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all Drivers who upload their Journeys. Our service would not be what it is without your help!